• Global Open Science Cloud
    The mission of GOSC is to interconnect different institutional, national and regional open science clouds
    and platforms to create a global virtual environment for globalized research and innovation.

Our goal is to encourage cooperation, alignment, and ultimately interoperability, between existing and emerging Open Science Clouds.


International resources are the dominant feature of CSTNET. We have successfully supported a number of international cooperation projects in high-energy physics, astronomy and biological research, etc. To support of the intercontinental astronomy joint testing, we coordinated with our international partners build a 100G route from Africa to the United States via South America from South Africa. CSTNET has established open exchange points at China, Chicago and Seattle in the U.S.. We cooperated with European research network Geant, built a 10G land cable from Beijing to Frankfort, and has many international lines to North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The total international export bandwidth has reached 113G.


China Science and Technology Cloud Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (GOSC AAI), which provides advanced and complete identity authentication and authorization services, to integrate resources and services of Chinese Science and Technology Cloud (CSTCloud). It includes the following systems: China Science and Technology Cloud Passport, China Science and Technology Cloud Identity Federation, China Science and Technology Cloud Unified Authorization Management System, and China Science and Technology Cloud Scientific CA system.

CSTCloud Federation

The integrated cloud service platform (ICSP) is an open-source middleware system that provides an environment where different hardware and software resources are managed by unified systems, and cloud services such as object storage and cloud computing are delivered by unified interfaces. Figure 1 indicates that the overall architecture of ICSP is composed of the following five components: unified user access portal, unified authentication and authorization, unified cloud service interface, unified metering&billing, and unified monitoring.

Resources Explore

A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering publications, research data, research software and service system items.

Policies & Training

What if we can have an open science cloud connecting more and more existing research facilities around the globe?


Here are some key policies related to our services and technologies. We provide these documents to various stakeholders so they can have a better understanding of who we are, what we provide, and what rules needs to be followed.


Actions speak louder than words. We offer a series of international training workshops, especially focused on the science communication and capacity building of less developed countries from the Global South to achieve the goal of 'leaving no one behind'.

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