Project Cases


WeNMR, is a worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR and Structural Biology, and the largest EGI scientific community. WeNMR aims at bringing together complementary research teams in the structural biology and life science area into a virtual research community at a worldwide level and provide them with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for data analysis and modelling.

  • 1. Structure biology (Meta)data federation
  • 2. Federated data processing
  • 3. On-demand Data movement

SDG 15.1.1



The EISCAT-3D radar and the Sanya Incoherent Scatter radar (SYISR) teams are working together to establish a joint system of distributed phased array radars, enabling comprehensive three-dimensional vector observations of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Taking advantage of the latest radar technology as well as digital signal processing, the new system will capture data with ten times higher of temporal and spatial resolution than obtained by present radars while simultaneously offering continuous measurement capabilities. Together with other partners, the two teams cooperate in investigating atmospheric phenomena at scales beyond the reach of existing radar systems. The continuous data coverage will facilitate the inclusion of detailed incoherent scatter radar data into climate and Earth system modeling.